Monday, 20 June 2016

Kaizen Training is the Key to Continued Lean Success

Implementing a system as comprehensive and layered as Lean takes a lot of work, but the results are worth the effort. Fortunately, this system, while sophisticated, is very straightforward with simple and easy to understand concepts and principles. And one of those principles is Kaizen, the process of continual growth and improvement.

The only way to achieve a true Kaizen culture in your company is through continual Kaizen training. Previously learned skills must be reviewed and reinforced. New skills must be continually added to prevent stagnation and to push the boundaries of efficiency and productivity.
You will need to create a Kaizen learning resource in your company to keep your system moving forward.

Kaizen Products: can provide your company with a number of resources to help make Kaizen a reality in your organization. These include:
  • Training Videos: Enna has a number of professionally engineered and produced training videos that cover subjects from the most basic to the very advanced. Any of these titles can help you to build an effective training library. Some to consider include:

  • Lean Wastes: A subject well covered in the initial implementation phase but which should be included in regular refresher courses and skill building sessions. Waste is one of the biggest drains on a company's bottom line and requires vigilance and constant attention to be kept at bay.
  • Time and Motion Study: While not a skill that contributes directly to profitability, it is nonetheless a required skillset for implementing any changes. It is used to establish a productivity bottom line based on current methods, and to test the effectiveness of any proposed improvements. Key employees should be selected and trained in this area each year to make sure that you have the personnel needed at any given time.
  • Visual Management: This is a segment of the Lean system that is often ignored or underutilized, but it is critical to the success of many methods used in your system. Keeping your staff, and more importantly your management team, up to date on Visual Management techniques till help you to continue to be effective.
  • Barriers to Lean: Another important management tool, this course helps to explain the reasons behind the roadblocks to progress encountered during the implementation phase and provides tactics and strategies to overcome them in future initiatives.

  • Workshop Training Packages: These are self-contained packs designed to be used in training situations as well as Kaizen workshops. They cover a number of subjects, including:
    • 5S
    • Value Stream Mapping
    • TPM – Total Productive Maintenance
    • Lean Logistics and Supply Chain

  • Posters: Another way to keep key concepts in front of the workforce is with Lean Postersstrategically placed around the work areas. Enna has a number of examples to choose from, including:
    • Inspirational Posters: These are designed to help motivate your management and workforce to perform at their full potential. They address items such as leadership, productivity, cooperation, teamwork, dedication and commitment to Kaizen.
    • Educational Posters: These are designed to help fix key elements of the various skills and methods in the minds of your workforce. They can also be used as references on the floor.
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